ChineseHideout Vocabulary Builder
Explore vocabulary from a variety of popular Chinese language textbooks, vocabulary required for the HSK and TOCFL tests, or the most commonly used Chinese characters.
Explore vocabulary from a variety of popular Chinese language textbooks, vocabulary required for the HSK and TOCFL tests, or the most commonly used Chinese characters.
ChineseHideout Vocabulary Builder will help people of all skill levels, with a variety of learning backgrounds and goals learn faster and more efficiently. The site is customized for use all devices from smart phones and tablets to desktops everywhere. It's not magic, but it is useful.
ChineseHideout Vocabulary Builder allows users to select simplified or traditional orthography, and vocabulary introduced in a variety of popular textbooks, vocabulary required for various levels of the HSK and TOCFL tests, or the most commonly used 500, 1000, or 2500 Chinese characters. The site saves your learning preferences, and keeps track of the vocabulary items you have mastered as well as those that require more revision.
Explore the vocabulary from many textbooks and other useful vocabulary. Each vocabulary item in ChineseHideout Vocabulary Builder contains both the simplified and full-form orthography, pronunciation in pinyin and audio form (provided through Google Translate), large and clear standard calligraphic images of all vocabulary items, animated stroke order sequences for each character, and list of words from the text using each vocabulary item.
ChineseHideout learning activities use an advanced AI which automatically adjusts to individual learning needs as users progress toward desired learning goals. The site remembers what you have studied then reviews new and mastered vocabulary items using personalized, sequenced intervals. The more you use ChineseHideout Vocabulary Builder, the more the site customizes itself to your learning needs.
Let ChineseHideout Vocabulary Builder assist you in achieving your Chinese language learning goals.
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