Study Guides

Lesson 14 Study Guide

(Click to view stroke sequence animation.)

  • Learn the pinyin and correct stroke order for the 26 characters introduced in lesson 14.
  • Learn the new vocabulary introduced in lesson 14. You can practice with the online Table Building Activity.
New Vocabulary
 Chinese Pinyin English
封都縣 Fēngdū xiàn Fengdu County 
據說 jùshuō it is said 
明朝 Míng Cháo Ming Dynasty 
大官 dà guān high ranking official 
油燈 yóu dēng oil lamp 
參觀 cānguan inspect 
同時 tóngshí at the same time 
 miè to extinguish 
院子 yuànzi courtyard 
殿 diàn hall (grand room) 
坐位 zuòwei seat 
歡迎 huānyíng welcome 
抬不起 táibuqǐ unable to raise 
 zhèn a duration 
發冷 fā lěng to feel cold 
涼水澡 liángshuǐ zǎo cold-water bath 
 kào to rely on 
 liǎn face 
眼淚 yǎnlèi tears 
地府 dìfǔ Hades; hell 
孝順 xiàoshùn to show filial respect 
 guāng brightness 
 niàn to chant 
佛經 Fó jīng Buddhist scripture; sutra 
金剛經 Jīn Gāng Jīng The Diamond Sutra 
 xiàn thread 
光明 guāngmíng light