
PCR Lesson 12 Grammar
  • Noun Modifiers:

    Nouns can be used to modify other nouns. Noun sequences have a set order where modifying nouns are followed by the main noun as when using 漢語 to modify 報 in 漢語報. The following are additional examples of nouns modifying other nouns:

  • Adjectival Predicates as Modifiers:

    We have used adjectival predicates to modify nouns like 好朋友. When a single-syllable adjectival predicate is used to modify a noun the adjectival predicate is followed by the noun, but when an intensifier like 很 is also incorporated into the the noun phrase 的 must be inserted between the modifier and the main noun like 很好的朋友. The following are additional examples:

  • The Frequency Adverb 常:

    The adverb 常 [cháng] is used to indicate often, or always. In English the placement of often in a sentence is very flexible, however, in Chinese 常 is always placed between the subject and verb. Sometimes you will hear people use 常常, which does not change the meaning of the statement. The negative for both is 不常.

    Subject + 常 + Verb
    他們喝茶。 : They often drink tea.
    我的好朋友去宿舍。 : My good friend often goes to the dorm.
    他們用漢語詞典。 : They don't often use a Chinese dictionary.
    老師常常看中國報。 : The teacher often reads the Chinese newspaper.
  • The Verb 去:

    The transitive verb 去 [qù] is used to indicate direction of movement away from the speaker. It requires destination as an object.

    去 + Object (destination)
    外語學院。 : He is going to the Foreign Language Institute
    我們現在宿舍。 : We are going to the dormitory now.
    他朋友不中國。 : His friend is not going to China.
    謝先生哪兒? : Where is Mr. Xie going?
  • The Verb 認識:

    The transitive verb 認識 [rènshi] is used to convey recognition, or familiarity with someone or something.

    認識 + Object (person)
    他們認識王老師。 : They know Mr. Wang.
    認識她爸爸,媽媽。 : I know her father and mother.
    中國留學生都認識我們的漢語老師。 : The Chinese foreign students all know our Chinese language teacher.
    他弟弟也認識我的女朋友。 : His younger brother also knows my girlfriend.
  • More About 也:

    We used 也 in previous lessons to say things like "我也很忙。" We can also use 也 as a conjunction joining two verb phrases. One of the characters in the text "學習英語也學習法語"--notice that there is a verb phrase on either side of 也.

    Verb-Object + 也 + Verb-Object
    他是我們的老師是我們的朋友。 : He is our teacher and (he is) our friend.
    學生現在看漢語書用詞典。 : The students are now reading a Chinese book and using a dictionary.
    他們認識我的爸爸認識我的哥哥。 : They know my father and know my older brother.
    他的女朋友學習漢語學習什麼? : His girlfriend studies Chinese and what else?
  • Multiple Uses for 看:

    In previous lessons we learned that 看 be used to get someone's attention, "Look here!". 看 can also mean to read as in 書, 畫報, or 詞典. Additionally, 看 can be used as visit like in 朋友, or 大夫.