
PCR Lesson 14 Grammar
  • The verbs 說[shuō], 告訴[gàosù] and 問[wèn]:

    • 說[shuō]:
      The use of the verb 說[shuō] is similar to its English equivalent speak, say, or said.
      Subject + 說 + Something
      你們常漢語嗎? : Do you often speak Chinese?
      她很想家。 : She said that she is homesick.
      她的男朋友她現在在宿舍。 : Her boyfriend says she is at the dormitory now.
    • 告訴[gàosù]:
      The verb 告訴[gàosù] on the other hand, also like its English counterpart (tell, told), requires the use of an indirect object.
      Subject + 告訴 + Someone (IO) + Something
      告訴我他很忙。 : He told me he is busy.
      老師告訴我們多說漢語。 : The teacher told us to speak more Chinese.
      姐姐告訴我她現在在銀行工作。 : My older sister told me she now works at the bank.
    • 問[wèn]:
      With 問[wèn] the indirect object can be omitted if understood in context.
      Subject + 問 + (Someone (IO)) + Something
      我朋友我住在哪兒。 : My friend asked me where I live.
      老師學生這是什麼漢字。 : The teacher asked the students what Chinese character is this.
      留學生他銀行在哪兒。 : He told me he is busy.
  • Homesickness:
    In Chinese being a little melancholy when you are far from home is not an illness. This feeling is expressed by saying you are thinking about, or missing home and family, 想家 [xiǎng jiā].
    想家嗎? : Are you homesick?
    我們都想家: We are all homesick.
    留學生說他很想家: The foreign student said he misses home.
  • 工作 [gōngzuò]: job or work:

    • Asking about jobs or work.:
      工作 [gōngzuò] is job or work, so we can ask about work by using something like the following:
    • Answering 工作 Questions:
      To answer one of these questions use something like the following:
  • The verb 有[yǒu] to have:

    • 有[yǒu] :
      We finally learn the verb 有[yǒu], to have. Unlike other Chinese verbs to negate 有 use 沒有 [méiyǒu] instead of using 不.
    • The Interrogative Form:
      The interrogative of a 有 sentence can be a statement using 嗎, or the affirmative-negative 有沒有.
  • 愛人[àirén] spouse:
    In our text 愛人 is used as spouse. In contemporary China this term is not often used. Outside of China 愛人 is generally used as a term for lover. Often indicating an illicit relationship.
  • More on 常 [cháng]:
    常常 is often used colloquially instead of 常 without changing the meaning of a statement. The negative is still 不常.
  • The verb 給 [gěi]:

    • 給 [gěi]:
      給 has multiple uses in Mandarin. The basic term is an equivalent to give in English, so 他給我漢語書 is "He gave me the Chinese book." The negative is 不給.
    • 給 [gěi] as a preposition to/for:
      Additionally, 給 is used as a preposition to/for. When expressing an action done for or to someone use 給 to indicate the benefactor of the action. The benefactor statement always precedes the action, so "He bought a pen for me" becomes "He for me buy pen" (他給我買筆) in standard Mandarin.
      Subject + Benefactor (給-O) + Action (V-O)
    • Note:
      This structure is used commonly with, but not limited to, the following verbs:
      買 [mǎi] buy something for someone: 姐姐法語書和畫報。
      寫信 [xiě xìn] write a letter to someone: 爸爸常孩子寫信
      介紹 [jièshào] introduce someone (to something, or another someone): 老師我們介紹中國地圖。
    • More about 給:
      When the 給 construct is used in more complex sentences the following order applies:
      Subject + Time + Place (Verb-Object) + Benefactor (給-Object) + Purpose/Action (Verb-Object)
      Time words must be positioned before the verb in a sentence. Most can come before or after the subject. An exception is 常, which never is used before the subject.
  • Send Regards, wish someone the best:
    A polite expression used to convey concern for a third party is to 問...好.
    Subject + 問 + Person + 好
